November 2023 UPDATE

New plot getting ready for expansion 

In 2023 Ufanisi and Lila Foundation made the first start with the expansion into the new plot acquired. The plot has been fenced and a first foundation has been established.  

Ufanisi and Lila Foundation are developing the plan to create a vocational education center on the new plot. This to serve and support the young adults at Ufanisi who have so many talents.  

More details in the Summer – Autumn Report: November 2023 Lila Foundation Activities Report

Ufanisi Centre, Nairobi
Empowered children, empowered community.

Although the name may make it seem bigger, for years the Ufanisi Centre in the Korogocho slum in Nairobi Kenya was not more than an iron sheet shack, the inside walls decorated with educational posters. 

This small but impressive initiative started with the work of one man: Isaiah Luyara. For almost a decade he has dedicated his life together with volunteers to feeding, educating and accommodating local orphans and children who are left behind. This project is a good example of how a community can empower itself.

In 2016 the land in the Korogocho slum around the school was sold to an invester. The structures of Ufanisi were being demolished and Isaiah together with 70 children were evicted. With help of of a many contributors, Freek Voortman and Marieke Lensvelt were able to fundraise money and buy a small piece of land. One of the contributors were the founders of the Lila Foundation. In 2018 they visited Ufanisi Centre, met Isaiah and after understanding that the Centre had to move from their shack but had no place to go, Lila Foundation decided to support Ufanisi Centre.

Lila Foundation has since then invested in a new plot and the construction of a safe school. With local and international volunteers we set up a new learning program. Now in 2022 the school is an inspiring place of empowerment for the whole community.

During the day around 137 children go to primary school and during the evening and weekend hours around 100 young adult follow all kind of educational programs. (Numbers November 2022.)

The young kids get education in the following subjects; English, Mathematics, Religious Studies, Social Studies, Music, Art, Kiswahili, Life skills and Physical Education. They are also served with two healthy meals per day which is very helpful to them because most of them come to the Centre without taking breakfast and the lunch we provide is the last meal of their day. The older kids also follow programs around personal development, sexuality, gender equality, personal branding, art and music.

In sum, Ufanisi is not only a refuge or a school, it is a place of personal growth, of warmth and of community building.

The pictures below show the progress since September 2018, starting with two pictures of the former location. 

Below the new plot and the construction towards the completion of the new building, starting August 2018.

In 2019 the first building was ready and the classes could start.

In 2022 the building was repainted in blue and additional toilets and washing rooms were added.